Hey...finally you have arrived to the right place!. This page is being constructed by Mido (Humaid) and Layla (a dear friend). Mido and Layla will try to add a special taste to this page so that you will never stop visiting daily. We both (Me and Layla) will try to show you the best of personal poetry and will take you in tours through a great philosophy. Here you will learn alot of things or in other words, will discover lots of skills and tallents in yourself but you have never thought about them. We will let you think and feel everything that sits behind your heart and your mind. hmmm..this was me, i mean Prince Mido. Layla will come in a while and will talk about herself and she will let you know what she kept for you since a long time but you just arrived!. Well, still you can get something, though you are late!. She will tell you all.. Laylaaaaa where are you!??...people are waiting!.. show up please...
hmmm..well till she shows up late tonight, please go through the Storm called Life :
Life is like a storm which comes without telling us and leaves so fast. It teaches us alot of things. It takes us from our dreams and our hopes to a chaos of living things and dead stuff. All r thrown around without any order. All r just lost in the wind. We forget how we were, we just flow with the wind in any random direction. It takes us to somewhere with a total darkness. It takes us to blindness. But another dawn always comes. A ray of light hits eyes once again. Who knows how it will treat us!. Who knows if it loves us!. Who knows if it is a soft, warm light or an arrow that kills us!. Who knows if it cuts us apart!. Who knows if it lightens our feelings towards the correct direction of living! or surviving from the horrible blindness!. Do u beleive such a thing!. Do u beleive life can be so dark and so scarry!. Let us jump to the bright side. Let us make up another hope to live with as we start breathing from the new dawn. hmmm...kefaya 7ag elyoum!. bas remember, never think about what is inside ur heart, never think what is behind ur mind, i am just afraid u will be lost as i am!. Just throw pains away and find a company to share life and feelings with!. Don't forget love is the best part of feelings!. hmmmmm ok Mido yuooo3an..wish u enjoyed the tour through the dark and blind storm which may visit some of us in a night.. bye
This was composed by Master Mido (Humaid) on Thursday 14/8/1997.
I did not think that i will add the piece of the email i sent to a new friend to this page. But I thought it is worth staying here.
It was Aki who emailed me after noticing my homepage's address in Oman Mailing List and went through my homepage and then emailed me with an opinion that i consider a pleasure for me and my homepage.
When I went to Aki's Homepage, I found the following piece of Philosophy about Friendship :
It's people who are communicating in the real sense, and not the computers..You may browse and download information in gigabytes, you may produce thousands of lines of HTML code, you may create amazing graphics.... Still, a true relationship between people over the Net is not based on the tools; colleagues and business partners are not made by technology. And, Friendship is a gift from Heaven.
u can read it yourself at Aki's Homepage
We all know that Friendship is a gift from God. Not everybody can have friends. The people who got friends are the luckiest in my opinion. Because friendship is related to feelings, to sense, to the humar in us. Friendships are not easy to make, because it is not easy to get trust of different people fast. U can make friends, but then u need to care more to save it and keep it one of the best relationships u can ever have. It needs care, it needs trust , it needs sacrifice and it needs long thoughts to have it forever. Friendships never last. Friendships stay even longer than lives. So never ever think of friendship as a game which has end, never think of it as a toy which u break easily. Promise your friend that u will love him/her as long as u live. Promise your friend that u will never give up friendship. Promise your friend that u will listen and care about every word a friend says and will owe your friend every moment u live.
It will take me too long to talk about friendship, because friendship can never be completely described or explained.
Whenevr I try to retype what I have already wrote in my files, i change lots of things. Whenever i give it a thought, it comes out with new ideas, with new words. New lights hit eyes and feelings whenever we think and try to explore life and nature.
Anyway, I replied to Aki, by the following piece of my words, (remember,
it was about the connection of people through the different media which
never transfer feelings as they are.
Really tools and objects never make friendships or any kind of social relationship, it is our feelings, our views of life, our views of needs and what our souls miss. Friendship is a corner of our lives where we can live, breath and enjoy life with great happiness and free. It is the moment of the best smiles we can ever meet and live.
Written by Humaid Al-balushi
The rest of the page is waiting Layla...Visit Sooon to get more ... alot will be coming inshaa allah.
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